A few weeks ago, I captured some images on my way to John's house in Auburn. One shows a prism in the sky, taken from the parking lot of the Ford garage in Ithaca. I took the sunset pics between Genoa and Scipio Center. It took me at least a half hour longer to get to Auburn because of my frequent stops to take pictures. The sky and the clouds fascinate me.
I spent this past weekend with John and his family, beginning Thanksgiving day. I went to John's house and he and his two sons and I went to John's brother's house in Fairport to have dinner with a houseful of relatives. It was very nice. The following day was bright and sunny, so we took some of John's art collection outdoors to get photos of them because I didn't want to have to use the flash because it washes out parts of the pictures. The only problem with that is the sun sparkled on the paintings and makes them look like there are small white spots on them.
Sunday, we drove around and found some cool scenes to capture. I am still learning about the camera. I have found that some of the ones that look fantastic on the camera screen don't translate as well onto the computer screen and also don't print as well as they look on the camera. I hope to get better with trial and error--in addition to reading. I think the lighting has a lot to do with it. I hope you can see the "two faces in the water" in the pictures posted here. I just wanted to take a picture of the water in the creek; but the lighting and shadows ended up forming a "sleepy-eyed jaguar" and also a man's face to the left and kind of tucked into the jaguar face. I often "see faces" (Oooooooo Oooo Ooooooooooooooooo!) in other images and textures.
This next picture is at 12X optical zoom. For some reason, the pictures I take at extreme zoom look hazy to me. Maybe it is the filters on the camera that cause it. I will try taking the filters off next time. These other pictures were taken around Owasco area. Hope you enjoy looking at them. Maybe tomorrow I will post some more art by John's artist friend "Jak WRobel".
Monday, November 27, 2006
Photos and Paintings
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Second Entry Today
I decided to come back and post some additional photos. This is my motorcycle; and it is for sale. It's a 1997 800cc Honda (Pacific Coast). As you can see by the photo, it has 24,242 miles on it. It has been garage-kept except when it was parked outside motels when I took it to places like Prescott, AZ, Athens, GA, Canaan Valley, WV and other places I've traveled. I need to sell it to pay back the loan I had to take out to pay my property taxes--one of the not-so-fun realities of living in New York State!
Be sure and check out my previous entry for today (below).
Posted by Wendy at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: motorcycle for sale by owner
I Didn't Get to Vote
I didn't get to vote this year. I had planned to, but it just didn't work out. I had to drop my car off Tuesday morning at the Ford garage for it's 55,000 mile checkup. It had a broken rear spring and it needed new front brake pads and rotors, but was supposed to be ready at the end of the day. My sister picked me up from the garage and I worked with her for a couple of hours and then she dropped me off at home. I would have had her take me to the voting place if I had known my car was not going to be ready to be picked up by 5:00 (I figured I had until 9:00 P.M. to vote). The dealership called me and said it would not be ready Tuesday, but would be ready this morning. My sister came over again, intending to take me to pick up my car, but I had not received a call that the car was ready, so around 2:20 I called them and was told they had not gotten the replacement springs yet for the car. I was not very happy. I only took the car there for the work because I thought I had to because I had the extended warranty. Valuable lesson learned. The car is only three years old and I have had to put (by the end of the current repair) almost $1800 in repairs on the car. I got totally screwed when I traded in my husband's 4x4 pick-up truck! I will never buy another vehicle from them and I will not have any further work done on the car by them!
Well enough of my rant. I move on to more enjoyable topics (once I think of them!). Well I guess one of them would be the fact that even without my vote, my would-be choices for the most part won their election.
Here's another more enjoyable topic.... I scanned in this old photo of my sister when she was a young child (around 5 years). I don't have any photos of myself at that age, but surmise I was probably almost as cute--ha ha. I also scanned in photos of my grandfather (as an adult) and my grandmother (as a child). I love photos. Maybe I'll come back later and post more photos.
Posted by Wendy at 5:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: grandfather, grandmother, photos, sister
Thursday, November 02, 2006
More Fun With My New SONY DSC-H5
I've been having more fun with my new camera today--and also with Photoshop.
I decided to experiment with a portion of the sky in this picture and ended up with "cloud monster(s)".
Fascinating results! So much fun I had to go back and try another section of the sky which included a small portion of a tree, so in the final picture, the tree becomes part of the "beard".

Posted by Wendy at 5:58 PM 2 comments
Labels: clouds, digital image, monsters, sky