Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
New Creation from Costa Rica Photo
I joined an online artistic creation tool site a few weeks ago. Using one of my photos from my last Costa Rica trip, I created this:
(Click on the image to see larger image...and you really need to see it larger to fully appreciate it.)
If I had fabric with this print, I would make curtains for the house in Costa Rica!
Posted by Wendy at 1:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: Costa Rica, photo art
Friday, November 14, 2008
Autumn is "Leafing"
Actually, I think Autumn has "left". I found this leaf on the ground at John's house last weekend. I thought it was colorful.
Posted by Wendy at 2:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
How Time Flies!
It has been a month since I posted anything on this blog--and then it was just a photo! I've been busy playing with Phoenix and Peacock on, learning to create art from my photos. I especially like this creation:
It started from this photo that I took at the Cornell Plantations a few months ago:
I've also been sleeping a lot lately. I need to have a new sleep study done, I believe. Even with my BiPAP machine, I am waking numerous times that I'm aware of and who knows how many times I stop breathing without waking enough to realize it. It's like pulling teeth to get anyone to take me seriously and follow through on setting up the study for me. My doctor's office was supposed to check into this months ago but I hadn't heard anything from them so I called and got a call back a couple days later saying I could just call the center and set up the appointment. I was given a different story by the sleep study center. They told me I had to do it through my doctor's office. So I called them back and was told they would do that and call me back the next day. It is four days later and I have not received that call yet. If they don't call me tomorrow, I am going to call them again. I'm tired of being tired all the time!
Posted by Wendy at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Chicken-head Plant
This is a picture that I took in 2006 in Costa Rica. The local Americans called this the "chicken-head plant".
Posted by Wendy at 2:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My Dad - Harvey Wright
A relative sent me a picture with my father and his fiddle in it. I cropped it so only my Dad shows:
Posted by Wendy at 1:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Adirondacks: Venturers Ride-In
I attended (as a guest) the Venturers club Olympic Region Ride-In this past week. I was invited by and attended with my friend WOWSkunk (Cindi). I'm very glad I went. I had a good time and made some new friends. I also shared a lot of laughs with Cindi's friends (who are now my friends!).
Posted by Wendy at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
House Guest
This woodchuck has been residing under my porch. He/she seems a little less wary than it used to be, but still ducks and runs if I try to go outdoors to take its picture. So I took the photo through my screened window. I was amazed how well it came out under the circumstances.
On my way to John's today for the weekend. If my motorcycle buddy doesn't need to change plans, will be leaving Tuesday from John's for the motorcycle rally in the Adirondacks.
Posted by Wendy at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: motorcycle, rally, woodchuck
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Beautiful Flower - Hibiscus
I took a photo of this huge and beautiful hibiscus at Cornell Plantations. I removed the background and gave it a totally black background and added a golden shadow. I used a program called Fluid Mask Lite and another by Serif Software called PhotoPlus X2.
I also took the next two photos at Cornell Plantations. Using the same software programs as the hibiscus, I produced the following images.

Posted by Wendy at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My Grandson, the Hare Scramble Racer
This is a picture from a year or so ago. Came across it in my photo files and decided to post it here.
Posted by Wendy at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
I Love this Time of Year
Yesterday and today, I took some photos of the nature in my yard.
When I changed my blog format, I lost my list of links. I will reconstruct them one of these days. I'm off to John's tonight. He has a gig at Big Kahuna's in Auburn tonight. I didn't see him this past weekend because he had a bad cold and didn't want to risk infecting me with it (which I appreciate immensely). I will leave Auburn on Friday to go visit my friend, Cindi, (who lives just outside of Buffalo) for the weekend. I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to post next week.
Posted by Wendy at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
Today's Finds
Here's a fun magazine cover I made using my photo of my granddaughter. Check out
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at
Another John Reilly:
Step Brothers
Posted by Wendy at 10:10 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The John Reilly Band of Auburn, NY
Saturday night I took a new photo of John's band to use for P.R. and announcement flyers. We were at Dilaj's Motor Inn on route 34 on the other side of Auburn because the guys were gigging there that night. We decided the lighting would be much better outside. Great decision! Look at that sunset background. I also used the photo in a new business card design for the band. It was another fun night. Lots of dancers on the floor.
The following afternoon they had a gig at a birthday party. The people in attendance really seemed pleased and happy the John Reilly Band was the entertainment for the party. John plays standards, rock, and country from mostly the 50's to 80's eras. He also has a few of his own originals that the people like to hear. They also love to hear his saxophone playing. He sings, plays the guitar and the saxophone, and writes his own music--what a talented man! Course I'm just a little bit prejudiced...possibly.
Posted by Wendy at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Auburn NY, Dilaj's, gig, John Reilly Band, party
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Glorious Spring!
What wonderful weather this week! These are the days I've waited anxiously for for many cold, dreary, wintry months. Last year I didn't even get my motorcycle inspected, so therefore did not ride it at all. This year will be different. Riding my motorcycle is a big morale booster for me. Today I took it to Wal-Mart to pick up some prescriptions at their pharmacy. While waiting for them to be prepared, I went to the Subway in the store to grab a quick lunch (it turned out to be lunch and supper since they have the foot-long sub for $5). While there, I saw an old friend (someone I've known for quite awhile--not someone old). It was great seeing her again. As I was about to leave Wal-Mart, I saw a different-looking motorcycle pull into the parking lot. I watched to see where he parked and walked over and caught up with him walking toward the entry to Wal-Mart. I was able to chat with him about the motorcycle (Piaggio 3-wheel mp3 scooter). What caught my eye was the fact that it had two front wheels and one back wheel. While talking with him we exchanged names and he then asked me if I was related to (fill in my brother-in-law's name here) and he said his son worked the same place as my brother-in-law for many years. Small world. I decided from there to stop in on Green Street at the old Ithaca Photo place and visit my friend, Diane, who is the owner of a print shop there (On Paper Plus). I hadn't seen her for several years. She and I rode motorcycles (Harleys at that time) to a Women On Wheels(R) Ride-In in Minneapolis, MN in 1996. We went by way of Canada. Anyway, it was great to see her again and she may throw me some graphics work down the road. I tell you all of this to tell you how uplifted I was feeling on this wondrous spring day. This is the perfect weather for me. Warm enough to be comfortable (for me anyway, others may disagree), without being too warm.
Wouldn't you know it, on the way home, I took my first spill on this motorcycle! It was in the city on a hill with a traffic signal and a long line of cars both ahead and behind me. I've never had any problem here before, but somehow after inching forward for the umpteenth time, (I probably squeezed the front brake too hard) (because I had both feet--tiptoes--down) and the pavement on the right-hand side was lower than I expected so down I went (but kind of in slow motion). I picked myself up immediately and turned the bike off. I then surprised myself and was able to pick the bike up and I held it and reached over the seat and reached the sidestand and put it down. Some gasoline had spilled out on the pavement, but there was no damage whatsoever to the bike. I motioned for the vehicles behind me to go ahead and then just got back on and started the bike (didn't start on the first try, but popped off at the second try) and rode safely home and parked it in front of the garage door. Even this did not put a damper on my day. I'm still feeling great. I love blue-sky sunny days! And I'll be back on the bike tomorrow.
Posted by Wendy at 6:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My Photoblog
I have a couple of other places where you can find some more of my photos:
That site shows a photo per day. These photos are then collected (and linked back to Wendysworks) at this site: I'm VFXY. This site enables me to sell my photos if someone wishes to buy. I haven't sold any yet...but you never know!
Posted by Wendy at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Snake in the Water
John and I went to Cascade and the Owasco Wetlands yesterday. It was a great day. The weather was so perfect and we got to see some special sights. The best image of the day was lost to weakened batteries in the camera, however. I had put fresh ones in when we first got there, but I saw so many things to photograph that they were too weak to zoom in to get a picture of the beaver we saw. John spotted it and pointed it out to me. First it was in the water swimming, then got out on the opposite shore and rummaged a short while and looked like it had a stick or something in its mouth and slipped back into the water and swam back to our side of the shore just a little too far ahead of where we were standing and disappeared into the underside of the bank. It was a huge beaver!
Earlier we had climbed up the bank off the side of the road so we could get a better look at one of the "cascades" and there was a cool piece of "driftwood" in the water. While investigating that, John spotted a snake in the water. I thought it was a little strange because I thought snakes liked to lie on a rock in the sun--not submerge in cold flowing water!! Guess he was just cooling his jets.
It was great to see a family (and their little dog) out enjoying nature together.
I was amazed by all the skunk cabbage growing in the Owasco Wetlands. I guess it's edible, but only after complicated methods. I never knew they had flowers either. Here is a link to provide more information (if you are so inclined): Stalking the Spring Harbinger, Skunk Cabbage
When I took this picture, I wasn't sure if there actually was a great blue heron perched on top of a mound sticking up out of the water (it was too far away and too small in the camera's viewfinder), but I got lucky.
We also saw quite a few trees with interesting "blossoms". I would guess that maybe they are some kind of willow, but not sure. I found them interesting though.
Posted by Wendy at 7:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: driftwood snake cascade beaver skunk cabbage great blue heron willow
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
House on French Avenue
Lighting was right, so I just wanted to photograph this nice looking home.
Check out my VFXY page: wbpics
Posted by Wendy at 1:43 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 07, 2008
Almost Missed Opportunity
When I first saw the deer they were right out front next to the road. Even though my camera bag was right next to me on the car seat, by the time I got the camera out of the bag and turned on they had moved to the background and turned around to look at me from a safe distance.
Posted by Wendy at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: deer
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Long Time...No Write
Guess I've been pretty neglectful of this blog. I have been concentrating too much on my photo display site ( and other photo sharing sites.
I don't feel too badly though, since I don't think I have much of a following, except maybe my little brother Kerry. Speaking of Kerry, he was in NYS for the first time in about 30 years just a couple weeks ago. He's been gone from the US only a week and I miss him and his wife already. This was the first I'd seen him in about eight years, and the first I'd seen his current (and I think, final) wife, Lisa. She is originally from the Philippines. Well, don't know why I'm writing this, since he already knows this stuff! Anyways, I love her, and I think the rest of the family loves her too. I am looking forward to seeing them again soon, I hope.
Posted by Wendy at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 29, 2008
Time for a New Look
I found a new template to use for my blog. I like it better than the old one. I think its more pleasing to look at. Though I lost some things (like my list of interesting links), but maybe I can replace them in time. I love the rainbow in the background. Hope you like it too.
Posted by Wendy at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I discovered through membership. I share photos there with family, friends and sometimes the public. ;-) I got Moo post cards, Moo stickers, and Moo minicards using a few of the photos I took on my last trip to Costa Rica (January 2008). I absolutely love them. I plan on sending a few of the post cards to the friends in Costa Rica, whose property or pet is the picture used on the post card. I can't wait to hear their reactions!
I also found, and wanted to share, this on their website:
Enter the ICHC online Poker Cats Contest!
Got good reports from the doctor's office yesterday on my blood tests (most everything is within the acceptable levels or has been improved upon), so life is good today. I went to lunch at Applebee's today with my friend Brenda. After lunch, we went to see "The Spiderwick Chronicles". I loved it. I like that style of movie. I don't like the blood and guts horror movies that the young kids of today seem to like. I won't even watch some of the CSI tv shows because they get too graphic for my taste. Maybe I'm a woos, but I don't think so.
Posted by Wendy at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Costa Rica,
Monday, January 28, 2008
Post Costa Rica
I have been back from Costa Rica for a week now. I'm feeling kind of depressed being back here in the wintry weather. I don't get much sun because I hate getting out in the cold. The weather was perfect, of course, in Costa Rica. Got some color. Maybe that will get me through to spring!
Hopefully you can view some of my pictures here:
Posted by Wendy at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Costa Rica