I guess you can tell I'm glad Christmas is over. I'm kind of a bah humbug person. I do not decorate or put up a tree. Christmas is way too commercialized and really turns me off for the season. I bought presents for my grandchildren and my son and daughter-in-law, and I went to their place for Christmas morning. As soon as gifts were opened and they had to leave to go to my daughter-in-law's mother's house, I went home (I was home before 10:00 a.m.) and took a long nap and just vegged out until 6:00 p.m. I then left to go to John's house for the night.
I guess I pretty much veg most of the time since I am not working. I need to get more active and find another part-time job. I haven't found homes for my cats yet, so I haven't made the move to John's full-time. I guess I'm spoiled. I have no objection to service jobs except that I'm afraid they will want me to work weekends. I could go back to work for Subway, but that would require me to drive too far and over the back roads to get to Dryden, and I just don't feel it's worth the hourly wage. I'd rather work from home with my computer, but I don't want to get into any kind of sales or marketing gigs, or sending voluminous unwanted emails to people. I want to do creative work with my computer. I got to do some fun creative work this week--fun work. I scanned several old family photos for a project my niece wants to do with her scrapbooking. I will share a few with you.

Guess I'll go get dressed now so I can head back to John's house. I'll try not to be so long in updating next time. No promises, however, even if New Year's is coming up!
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