Above are the pillows I made for my grandchildren for Christmas. I've been lazy lately and haven't been keeping up with my blog. No excuses other than that. I am a Scrooge when it comes to Christmas. It's way too commercial for my taste. But I can't disappoint the grandkids, so I decided to make their gifts. My four-year-old granddaughter loves Dora the Explorer and also loves horses--she's nuts about them. My grandson is a hare scramble motorcycle racer and also plays basketball on his school team. Above are pictures of the pillows I made them. I thought about making a pillow for the 17-year-old, but if I put a picture of her boyfriend on it, it would only be obsolete in a few short weeks and she might not want to see his face on her pillow after that! So I guess I'll just have to figure out something else to give her.
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